Showing posts with label NorthlandSalvia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NorthlandSalvia. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

NorthlandSalvia: Buy Salvia divinorum New Zealand Price List & Specials, CB.2RA Cannabinoids & Marali herbal Remedies.


Facebook @ New Zealand Salvia Divinorum NorthlandSalvia

Due to N.Z Post price increases, you might like to consider *Parcel Collect to avoid the extra Rural Delivery Costs for some Customers.

Due to ongoing cost increases,  ALL Salvia Specials, *Excluding our 5x Extract Deals & 5x Combo Specialsare Suspended until further Notice.

*R.18 N.Z Customers Only.  Proof of Age Required.

If you do not Verify Age, we will not process your Order.

*Payment via Online banking. N.Z Post track & trace.

Target delivery 3 Working days.  **NO PICKUPS**

We DO NOT sell live Salvia plants, seed or cuttings.

We DO NOT wholesale our herbs.  *Retail Sales only.
Wholesale,Trade quantity, Bulk purchase, NOT supplied.  


You will NOT fail a Workplace Drug test by using ANY of our herbal remedies!

You will find our most up to date, current pricing: HERE

*Salvia –  Natural Leaves, Extract & Liquid Extract:   HERE

Ordering Process - Summary of - HERE

F.A.Q - Re prices/products/purchase - HERE


*NorthlandSalvia Lite:  view Previews of all our Primary content:   HERE

Cancer Research & Cannabinoids:  HERE

*CANNAPLUS+ Traffic Light Special:  Free 1 g sample of 20x OR 30x Phyto CANNAPLUS+ when you buy 2 g of 20x OR 2 g 30x dried Salvia herbal extract. *Terms & Conditions Apply.


*Bulk Buy & Save! 500 ml & 1 Litre bottles of all our liquid extract herbal remedies range, available at Competitive Prices -  Prices on enquiry.  Ts & Cs apply.

**All Bulk Buy Deals = Subject to Seasonal Availability**

Our 30x Strength Liquid Extracts:  5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre. *Extra Virgin Olive Oil OR VG – Vegetable Glycerine:  0% Nicotine 

Salvia divinorum, Phyto-CANNAPLUS+ 30X Liquid Extract VG-Juice, CB.2RA Cannabinoid Oil BCP beta Caryophyllene Liquid ExtractCB.2-K.O.R Salvia + Cannabinoids + Terpenes, Marali, Xochipilli, SmokeStop, Mexican Marigold, Saints & Sinners Salvia + Mexican Marigold, MethQuit Salvex, SynthQuitSalvinorex Salvia + beta Caryophyllene

*ALL 25 ml (Specials) = Sold Out.

*Limited Time Offer on 30x strength, CB.2RA Cannabinoid Oil 500 ml & 1 Litre Oils, Liquid Extract:

CB.2RA 500 ml @ $850.  *plus p & p.  ( = $170. per 100 ml )

CB.2RA 1000 ml @ $1500.  *plus p & p.  ( = $150. per 100 ml )

*Limit 1 per Customer.

NEW!  Phyto CANNAPLUS+, 5x, 10x, 20x, 30x dried herbal extract:


You will NOT fail a Workplace Drug test by using ANY of our herbal remedies!

Phyto-CANNAPLUS+ may assist those attempting to wean off Cannabis & Synthetics.

3 g 5x CANNAPLUS+ @ $50.  *plus p & p.

*Also available in 10x, 20x, 30x 


NEW!  Phyto-CANNAPLUS+ 5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml 30x Liquid Extract VG-Juice:  0% Nicotine.


You will NOT fail a Workplace Drug test by using ANY of our herbal remedies!

*CANNAPLUS+ may assist those attempting to wean off Cannabis & Synthetics.

SmokeStop herbal remedies for Tobacco Nicotine Cessation, Cocaine & Methamphetamine Use Disorder, Poly (Multiple) Drug Addiction Disorder

                                SmokeStop Nicotine Tobacco Cessation New Zealand N.Z

You will NOT fail a Workplace Drug test by using ANY of our herbal remedies! 


Available Now!  Mexican Marigold Smokers Cut Herbal Extract  VG-Juice

Mexican Marigold, a.k.a Mexican Tarragon, is a plant native of Mexico and Central America. In Mexico, it is known as hierba de Santa Maria. It is also known as hierba de San Juan and sold as a substitute for Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s Wort).

Mexican Marigold Tagetes lucida is recommended as stimulant of the immune system, and to treat emotional and nervous complaints, such as anxiety, irritability and depression. It has been recorded in Spanish texts as medicinal plant since the 16th century. Gutiérrez et al, 2014. 

Tagetes lucida is also used as a tea to treat the common cold, intestinal gas and diarrhea.

The Huichol of Mexico refer to the herb as Yauhtli & use the herb in religious ceremonies, sometimes combined with tobacco.

The Aztecs used it in ceremonies related to the dead.


Introductory Offer: Mexican Marigold Smokers Cut herbal extract 3 g @ $50.  *plus p & p.

*Also available in 10x, 20x, 30x 

Mexican Marigold E-Juice 5 ml e-juice Sampler @ $25.  *plus p & p. 


Saints & Sinners E-Juice Salvia divinorum + Mexican Marigold Synergy blend 

5 ml Salvia + Mexican Marigold Liquid Extract VG-Juice Sampler @ $30.  *plus p & p.

Introductory Offer:  Saints & Sinners Smokers Cut herbal extract Salvia divinorum + Mexican Marigold Synergy Extract blend 2 g @ $ *plus p & p.

 *Also available in 10x, 20x, 30x. 


Salvia divinorum:  Traditionally used by the indigenous Mazatec of Oaxaca Mexico, as an aid in palliative care, for stomach complaints, pain relief, addiction, as an anti inflammatory, & a tool for divination.

Under New Zealand Law, ALL our herbal remedies may only be purchased for legal herbal use.

Our herbs may assist those seeking natural plant based traditional herbal remedies, with potential anti addiction, analgesic, sedative, & anti inflammatory effects.

We advocate responsible use of all our herbal remedies.

By purchasing ANY of our herbal remedies from us, you agree to ALL our terms & conditions. 

Northland Salvia - 'Primo Harvest' Natural Salvia divinorum Leaves

4 grams @ $. plus p & p.
8 grams @ $. plus p & p.
12  grams @ $. plus p & p.

*Subject to Availability

Dried, ground or unground, Natural Salvia divinorum leaves are ideal for those seeking a gentler way to diet the herb.  Rehydrate in water, gifted by the Gods of the Sky!

Versatility plus!  Our natural  Salvia Leaves can be useful for micro dosing & can also be used to blend with our extracts & thereby alter the potency of the dose to suit your medicinal needs. 

Ground is best for tea, smoking.

Unground is best for quid chewing.

*Salvia Quids: 

Harvested, unground, dried Salvia divinorum Leaves, sourced from our own organic Gardens.  Ideal for Velada - Ceremonial Healing Purposes.  Chew your Leaves & drink your Salvia teas, the authentic 'Way of the Mazatec Shaman.'  

*You will need a minimum of 12+ g of Unground Leaves, per individual, if intending to 'quid chew' Salvia OR prepare Salvia tea.

" Salvia divinorum is literally a Godsend: a form of life, a manifestation of a Higher Being/Beings which, when consumed by the human animal, reveals the divinity within, and heals the person afflicted with the ills, the delusions, of a decadent culture.

A plant which awakens the human mind to the web of life within and without is a priceless thing in these times of alienation and impending ecological disaster. Salvia opens the human heart to the totality of life."

William Arden Ruth
Oberlin, Ohio
October 21, 2002  

Dried Herbal Extract deals!

*Dried Herbal Extract Strength.  (per gram, gross)   

5x = extracted from 5 g of Salvia herbs.

10x = extracted from 10 g of Salvia herbs.

15x = extracted from 15 g of Salvia herbs.

20x = extracted from 20 g of Salvia herbs.

30x = extracted from 30 g of Salvia herbs.

*Dried Herbal Extract Prices:  (per gram, gross)  

1 gram @ $per g, *plus p & p.  
1 gram  @ $ per g,*plus p & p.
1 gram  @ $ per g,*plus p & p. 
1 gram @ $ per g, *plus p & p.
1 gram @ $ per g, *plus p & p.

**Dried Herbal Extract Double-Up+ deals!**

20x & 30x Double-Up Salvia Extract Special! Save $.

Buy 2 grams of 20x OR 30x Salvia dried herbal Extract, get 1 g of Salvia Leaves FREE.  *excludes 5x, 10x, 15x Extract.


10x & 15x Salvia Double Up Dried herbal Extract Specials:

Buy 2 gram of ANY Salvia 10x OR 15x Extract, get 1 g Salvia Leaves FREE!  Save $


20x & 30x Salvia Multi Purchase Dried Herbal Extract Deals:

*Buy 5 g, of ANY 20x OR 30x Salvia Extract, get 0.5 g FREE!  *Excludes 5X, 10X,15X  Save $ 

Buy 10 g, of ANY 20x OR 30x Salvia Extract, get 1 g FREE!   *Excludes 5X, 10X,15X  Save $

Limited Time Offer - *Does NOT Apply to Liquid Extracts.


10x & 15x Salvia Double Up Dried Herbal Extract Deals:

*Buy 2 g, of ANY 10x OR 15x Salvia Extract, get 1 g Leaves FREE!    Save $

10x & 15x Salvia Multi Purchase Dried Herbal Extract Deals:

*Buy 5 g, of ANY Salvia 10x OR 15x Extract, get 0.5 g FREE!    Save $ 

Buy 10 g, of ANY Salvia 10x OR 15x Extract, get 1 g FREE! Save $


Salvia Combo Special ! Save $

*Dried herbal extract upgrade from 5x to 10x!

Buy 12 grams of dried ground OR unground 'Primo Harvest' natural Salvia divinorum leaves (@ $.) & 1 gram (gross) of 5x Salvia divinorum dried herbal extract (@ $.) & we will upgrade the Extract to 10x for   *plus p & p 

Covid Blues 20x & 30x Combo Special: *Save $10.
Purchase 12 g of Salvia Leaves @ $ & 1 g (gross) of 20x OR 30x dried Salvia herbal extract, & we will knock $. off. 

** 5X Dried Herbal Extract Special! **  (gross)

5x Dried Herbal Extract Special! Save $

Buy 2 grams of ANY Salvia 5X Extract @ $  *plus p & p.

*May assist Cannabis Users detoxing due to Random Cannabis Testing Regimes in the Workplace.

You will NOT fail a Workplace Drug test by using ANY of our herbal remedies! 

Let's be frank, for many Kiwis, Cannabis is the anti depressant-anti anxiety drug of choice.  It can also spell the end to any career aspirations in the event of a positive test!

Salvia divinorum & Workplace Drug Testing LINK@ HERE

*Limited Time Offer.  Does NOT Apply to Liquid Extracts.


Xochipilli Smoker's Cut 5x, 10x, 15x, 20x Dried Herbal Extract - *Special! Save $  HERE

Buy 2 grams of Xochipilli 5X Extract @ $.  *plus p & p.  Save $

Buy 1 gram of Xochipilli 5X Extract @ $.  *plus p & p. 

*Xochipilli dried herbal extract is also available in 10x, 15x & 20x strength. 


Looking for Xochipilli 30x Liquid Extract?  Tincture, Oil, VG-Juice  HERE


Xochipilli Smoker's Cut, is a special extract blend of our organically grown Salvia divinorum, combined with a selection of rare & exotic South American herbs, used by indigenous communities of the Americas, as a traditional herbal remedy with analgesic, sedative & anti inflammatory effects.

Xochipilli Smoker's Cut, may assist those attempting to wean off Cannabis & Synthetics in the face of workplace drug testing regimes.

You will NOT fail a Workplace Drug test by using ANY of our herbal remedies!   

Xochipilli Smoker's Cut, may assist those experiencing Insomnia, Anxiety & disrupted sleep in this Age of Covid.

" Sleep disturbances have affected a substantial proportion of the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. These are significantly associated with a self-assessed impact on mental health, but may also be related to suspected COVID-19 status, changes in habits and self-isolation."  LINK@  HERE


 *Salvia divinorum based Teas:

"Be mindful when drinking Salvia divinorum based teas. Taking a mindful Salvia tea break is a powerful way to stop the racing mind and come to the present moment. 

Make a Salvia tea, and as you drink it, bring your attention fully to the experience by tuning into your senses. Feel the warmth of the cup in your hands, taste the Salvia tea with each sip, notice the sounds around you. 

When you feel your mind wandering, let go of thoughts and come back to the sensation of the warmth of the tea cup in your hands."

Freshly harvested, ground, dried Salvia divinorum Leaves, sourced from our own organic Gardens.  Ideal for Velada, Ceremonial Tea, Healing Purposes.

Drinking Salvia divinorum based teas is a gentle, economical way to diet the herb.  

Reuse the spent tea Leaves multiple times in the one brewing session, returning the Sacred Leaves to Mother Earth once the colour of the tea indicates it has shared with you, it's Mauri - Life Force.  

Store any surplus tea in a sealed bottle in the fridge, to be drank hot or cold, lasts up to 2 weeks chilled.  You can make up to 1 Litre of strong Salvia tea using a heaped table spoon of our very special, high potency teas.  Great for micro dosing, dieta, & enhancing meditative practice.

Pounamu Divine Salvia Herbal Tea.

This unique tea is a standalone special preparation of our own organically grown Salvia divinorum herb, that may provide  anti anxiety, anti depressant,  anti addiction, anti I.B.S, anti inflammatory, analgesic, calmative & restorative properties for those suffering Burnout, promoting optimum health & wellbeing.  

This magical herb, intuitively has an affinity with one's inner emotions & may, with consistent dieta, have the propensity to gently release suppressed trauma by opening blocked Chakra.  Accordingly, this herb may assist those suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Seven Chakra Activator Pineal Cleanse Herbal Tea. 

This unique tea is a special blend of our own organically grown Salvia divinorum, & Origanum actives. This synergistic blend of tea taken ritually, may be a useful tool in meditation & literally provide you with the keys to achieving a state of meditative practice, that would otherwise take many many years to progress to. Decalcify the Pineal Gland & Open the 3rd Eye! LINK @ HERE

Moenui Restful Sleep Herbal Tea. 

This unique tea is a special blend of our own organically grown Salvia divinorum, & Nepeta cataria herb.  This tea may assist to induce calm, relaxation & to facilitate the promotion of restful sleep.

Oaxacan Velada Salvia Herbal Tea.

This unique tea is a special blend of our own organically grown Salvia divinorum, & Salvia officinalis herb, a natural plant based herbal tea remedy, that may enhance spiritual practice, meditation, Astral travel & 3rd Eye - Pineal Gland activation.

Sage Amazonia Herbal Tea.  NEW!

Salvia divinorum + Sage  Amazonia herb, an all natural herbal tea, derived from the Amazon Rainforest & used traditionally by indigenous tribesmen as a powerful analgesic, sedative & relaxant.  We are able to offer our Customers this very special Sage tea, organically grown & prepared by us.


Xochipilli Salvia+ Herbal Tea.  NEW!

Xochipilli herbal tea is a special blend of our organically grown Salvia divinorum, combined with a selection of
rare & exotic South American herbs, used by indigenous communities of the Americas, as a traditional herbal remedy with analgesic, sedative & anti inflammatory effects.  

Xochipilli Herbal Tea  may assist those attempting to wean off Cannabis, Synthetics, & other drugs, including nicotine, in the face of workplace drug testing regimes.  This tea blend may ease anxiety, insomnia, & produce a sense of emotional balance in this chaotic world!

In Aztec mythology, Xochipilli is the god of art, games, beauty, dance, flowers, and song.

His name contains the Nahuatl words xochitl ("flower") and pilli (either "prince" or "child"), and hence means "flower prince". 


How to prepare Salvia tea:  HERE

Primo Harvest Natural Salvia divinorum Leaves Pricing

Ground is best for tea, smoking.

Unground is best for Quid Chewing.

4 grams @ $. plus p & p.
8 grams @ $. plus p & p.
12 grams @ $. plus p & p.

*Subject to Availability

**NorthlandSalvia: 30x Salvia based Liquid Extracts**

Tincture, Oil, VG-Juice.*All @ 30x strength - extracted from 30 g of dried herbs.
*Bulk Buy & Save! 500 ml & 1 Litre bottles of all our liquid extract herbal remedies range, available at Competitive Prices -  Prices on enquiry.  Ts & Cs Apply.

**All Bulk Buy Deals = Subject to Seasonal Availability**
*V G Vegetable Glycerine OR Extra Virgin  Olive Oil base.

Salvia 30x herbal Tinctures, Oils & VG-Juice: 5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml, 30x strength.
*Olive Oil OR VG Vegetable Glycerine base.
Tincture & Oil dosing via sublingual absorption, is ideal for micro dosing on an as needed basis.

**Our 30x Strength Salvia Liquid Extract:  Oils, Tinctures,VG-Juice** 
*Salvia based tinctures, Oils, VG-Juice:
NEW!  Salvia Sampler 5 ml 30x @ $30. *plus p & p.
Salvia 20 ml 30x @ $119. *plus p & p.
Salvia 100 ml 30x @ $499.  *plus p & p.
Limited Time Offer.
You can dose VG Salvia Oil too.
Our Salvia based Oils, Tincture, VG-Juice Liquid Extract Range:  *All @ 30x strength - extracted from 30 g of dried herbs.
*Bulk Buy & Save! 500 ml & 1 Litre bottles of all our liquid extract herbal remedies range, available at Competitive Prices -  Prices on enquiry. Ts & Cs apply.

**All Bulk Buy Deals = Subject to Seasonal Availability**

Pounamu Divine Salvia Essence
CB.2 - K.O.R  Salvia + Cannabinoids + Terpenes
Methquit Salvex
Oaxacan Velada Essence

SmokeStop Tobacco Nicotine Cessation, Cocaine & Methamphetamine Use Disorder, Poly (Multiple) Drug Addiction Disorder:  HERE

Xochipilli 30x Liquid Extract.  Tincture, Oil, E-Juice HERE


Pineal Cleanse - 7 Seven Chakra Activator
Absinthe Salvia Essence
Moenui Restful Sleep
*You can dose all our VG based Liquid Extracts too.

Cannabinoid based Liquid Extracts. *All @ 30x strength - extracted from 30 g of dried herbs.

CB2R.A 30x Cannabinoid Oil C.B.D CBD Oil Tincture, VG-Juice.


5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml, 30x strength.

Olive Oil OR VG Vegetable Glycerine base.

CB.2RA More info:  HERE

NEW!  CB.2RA Sampler 5 ml, 30x @ $25.  *plus p & p.
20 ml CB.2RA 30x @ $99.  *plus p & p.
100 ml CB.2RA 30x @ $399. *plus p & p. Save $ Limited Time Offer.
You can dose VG CB.2RA too.
*Bulk Buy & Save! 500 ml & 1 Litre bottles of all our liquid extract herbal remedies range, available at  Competitive Prices -  Prices on enquiry.  Ts & Cs apply.

**All Bulk Buy Deals = Subject to Seasonal Availability**
Vaping CB.2RA & CB.2 - K.O.R Cannabinoid Oil β-Caryophyllene (BCP).  HERE
NEW!  5 ml Sampler CB.2-K.O.R 30x Oil @ $30.  *plus p & p.
NEW!  20 ml CB.2-K.O.R 30x Oil @ $119.  *plus p & p.
100 ml CB.2-K.O.R Oil 30x @ $399. *plus p & p. Save $  
Olive Oil OR VG - Vegetable Glycerine base.
*VG tastes like liquid honey with a hint of liquorice.

*Bulk Buy & Save! 500 ml & 1 Litre bottles of all our liquid extract herbal remedies range, available at Competitive Prices -  Prices on enquiry. Ts & Cs Apply.

**All Bulk Buy Deals = Subject to Seasonal Availability**
A World First!  CB.2 - K.O.R Double Action Oil, containing Organically grown, Whole Plant Extracts of Salvia divinorum, Cannabinoids & Terpenes, in a synergistic blend, offering therapeutic potential for superior pain relief, anti addiction treatment & more! 

NEW!  5 ml Marali 30x Sampler @ $25.  *plus p & p.
Marali 20 ml 30x @ $99.  *plus p & p.

Marali 100 ml 30x @ $399. *plus p & p.  Save $  Limited Time Offer.
Marali Herbal Remedy offers therapeutic potential as a Sedative, Anti inflammatory, Nicotine tobacco cessation aid, Emotional Balance, Analgesic, anti Anxiety.  

*Special:  1 g FREE! Salvia tea/Smokable dried herb when you spend $25. on a Marali product.

Marali may bring relief to those suffering the debilitating effects of Anxiety, often accompanying withdrawal - detox from Opioids, Methamphetamine, Cocaine, Cannabis, Synthetics, Nicotine - Tobacco & other drugs of abuse.
You can doseVG Marali too.

Marali is an indigenous Australian Aboriginal term for spiritual healing & bush medicine.

CB2R.A 50 ml, Cannabinoid Balm, Natural Coconut base @ $42. *plus p & p.
CB.2 - K.O.R Double Action Balm, 50 ml, Salvia divinorum + Cannabinoids + Terpenes, Natural Coconut base, @ $49. *plus p & p.  



*Payment via Online Banking.  N.Z Post track & trace. 
Target delivery 3 Working days.